
Specific Letters: “d”, “t”, and “i” magnified

1 – What do the “t” and “d” look like?
Below, select anything that describes any of the lower case letters “d” and “t” in the handwriting being analyzed.

Height of stem is both retraced and taller than normal

Shaped like an Indian teepee or upside down V

Loop in the “d” or “t” stem

Below, select ONE choice from option 1 and ONE choice from option 2.

2 – Where is the i-dot located?

Very close to top of stem

2-3 letters from stem (to the right) or no dot at all

2-3 letters from stem (to the left)

Neither, just about normal

3 – What does the i-dot look like?

Open or circle dot above the stem

The slashed i-dot

Combination… some dots, some open, some circles, some slashes…

None of the above.